How to create a User specific Discount?

An 'User Discount' is not same as a general discount. If you are creating a Discount, it is applicable to a specific Pricing Plan for all the users/audiences. However, an 'User Discount' is applicable for a specific user or a group of users. Hence, please keep note of the user/audience registered use-name or mail id before creating 'User Discount'.

Step-1: Log-in to the Cadjin CMS .

Step-2: In the left side menu, under the 'discount', go to the 'User Discount' section.

Step-3: Under the User Discounts section click 'Add' option to create new user discount.

Step-4: A new pop-up will show asking about the basic information regarding the new user discount.

Step-5: Fill the information like user Discount name, Description, Select plan (for which plan you want user discount to be implemented), Applicable from, valid through, Enter value in percentage and also enter Maximum value of user discount you want to give, add the number of times this user discount is applicable, also click on slect user drop-down and select the users you want to apply the discount.

Step-7: Then click on the Submit button. Your new User discount is ready. You can view it in the User Discount list.


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